Khamis, 28 Julai 2016

How To Get Rid Belly Fat Fast!!

Every women desire a great looking body shapes. The BIG QUESTION is how to achieved it?? Before we start our simple lesson. Lets know a little bit details about FATS.

Okay girls~Lets get started ~Be a Beauty with a Brain~

You need fats  technically called lipids  to survive, in addition to other large molecules including carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids. Yet, many people avoid fats in their diet.
oil and water
Lipids are non-polar molecules, which means their ends are not charged. Because they are non-polar and water is polar, lipids are not soluble in water. That means the lipid molecules and water molecules do not bond or share electrons in any way. The lipids just float in the water without blending into it. You’ve probably heard the old adage, “oil and water don’t mix.” Well, oil is a liquid lipid. Butter and lard are examples of solid lipids.

Three major types of lipid molecules exist.:
  1. Phospholipids: These lipids are made up of two fatty acids and a phosphate group. These are the type of lipids used in the cell membranes of every cell in every animal. These lipids have structural functions. They aren’t the type that are floating around bloodstreams and clogging arteries.
  2. Steroids: These lipids have four connecting carbon rings and a functional group that determines which steroid molecule it is. These lipid compounds generally create hormones. Cholesterol is a steroid molecule that is used to create hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. So, for a healthy sex life and other important functions, you need cholesterol. Cholesterol is transported around the body by other lipids. If you have too much cholesterol floating in your bloodstream, that means there is an excess of fats carrying it through your bloodstream, and that can cause trouble. The fats and cholesterol molecules can get stuck in your blood vessels, leading to blockages that cause heart attacks or strokes.
  3. Triglycerides: Triglycerides are made up of three (tri-) fatty acid molecules and a glycerol molecule. These are the typical fat molecules. They are formed from an excess of glucose; after the liver stores all the glucose it can as glycogen, whatever is remaining is turned into triglycerides. The triglycerides float through your bloodstream on their way to be deposited into adipose tissueAdipose tissue is the soft, squishy, visible fat you can see on your body. Adipose tissue is made up of many, many molecules of fat. And, the more fat molecules that are added to the adipose tissue, the bigger the adipose tissue (and the place on your body that contains it) gets.
It's very complicated isn't it?. Basically fat made build up inside your body because of the more you eat but with lesser activity you do daily, then you will add more fat in your body. The quantity of the food we consume everyday are not equivalent to be converted into energy. 

Lets get back on track, Here is some trick to smash belly fat fast!!

  1. NEVER STOP MOVING : There's one thing to like about visceral fat: It yields fairly easily to aerobic exercise. Running, biking, or swimming. Basically anything that gets your heart rate up wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff. A recent study from Duke University found that jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week is enough to melt belly fat.
  2. DRINK A LOT OF WATER : Research shows that dieters who guzzle plenty of H2O lose more weight than those who don't.
  3. HALVE YOUR FOOD PORTION Divide your normal portion by two and save the rest for later. You're likely to feel full on less food than you think.
  4. DIET 2 DAYS A WEEK : If you can't stick to a program all the time, try slashing your calories to 650 a day just two days a week and eating normally the other days. One study suggests this offers protection from breast cancer as well as assistance with weight loss.
  5. BE A VIRGIN : Alcoholic beverages are some of the emptiest calories out there. Replace them with water, and the weight comes off.
  6. EAT RIGHT :Vegetarianism not helping you lose? Take it to the next level by swearing off eggs and dairy, too. Cheese can be a diet killer. Eliminate packaged foods and eat only fresh ingredients you've prepared. No bags, boxes, cans, or cartons allowed.
  7. Last and finally continuously and NEVER get carried away from your target.
As usual, a lot of us complaint. Its not even working. I have already try it, but it's never happen. Arghhh..I'm very frustrated and blaa..bla..blaa..Don't worry. ASK OUR EXPERT ON HOW TO MAKE IT 100% WORK. CLICK HERE TO GET INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET RID BELLY FAT FAST!!

You will able to have beautiful body shape and be more confident and nothing less by leading a healthier lifestyle ~


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