Jumaat, 29 Julai 2016

Malaysian suffers stroke in London, family hit by £46,000 hospital bill

LONDON: Mohamad Sahar Mhd Noor, 57, was looking forward to a family Hari Raya reunion as well as to witness his daughter’s graduation in London.

However, within 20 minutes of exiting the airport arrival hall on July 4, the chief clerk at the Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara, Negeri Sembilan, suffered a massive stroke.

Mohamad Sahar Mhd Noor, 57, Picture Source, GoFundMe

He was rushed to the hospital, where he has been warded until today. With almost a month at the Charing Cross Hospital in West London, three weeks of which were in the Intensive Care Unit, the bills had accumulated to £46,000 (RM250,000).
Sahar, unfortunately, did not have medical insurance.

 Charing Cross Hospital in West London, Picture source from Google Maps

Nonetheless, he underwent a right frontal external ventricular drain (EVD) to release pressure on his brain and to allow the release of blood.
His daughter, Amirah Sahar, said her father’s employer Mara had agreed to advance £30,000 (RM160,000) for the hospital bill.
Desperate, the family then launched a fundraising campaign via website GoFundMe. Within two days, the generosity of donors, both Malaysians and foreigners, saw the fund hit its £25,000 target.
The family’s plea for help on Facebook reached 5,700 shares at the time of writing.
Donors, touched by the family’s plight, contributed amounts large and small, ranging from as low as £5.
One generous Malaysian even donated £5,000 to the family.
The family would like to bring Sahar back to Malaysia for treatment, as it would be much cheaper in Malaysia. They are now awaiting approval from the hospital, as well as the go-ahead from Malaysia Airlines for the flight home.
It is understood that a doctor and a nurse would be required to accompany him on the flight home if and when he is released from the hospital.
In the meantime, the family is worried that the hospital bills, which come up to almost £2,000 a day, will continue to increase each day Sahar remains in hospital.
Strapped for cash despite the donations, the family is now appealing to the generosity of fellow Malaysians to help them bring Sahar home as soon as possible.
Kind-hearted Malaysians can help the family by channeling their donations to https://www.gofundme.com/saharnoor

Article Source :
By : ZAHARAH OTHMANJuly 29, 2016, © New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd
P/S My Malaysian countrymen need your help. Please help him. Please viral it and send it throughout the whole world for fundraising campaign. Thank You.

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